For further details visit , email or call Amanda on 07767 816499.

Amanda Mann runs Pilates classes in Winkfield on Mondays  at the WI Hall in Sunningdale on Thursdays and Fridays.


Pilates has so many health benefits. It is designed to improve posture, core strength, mobility, and flexibility. It links movement with breath, focuses on body alignment, and teaches you how to be in control of your body and not at its mercy. It can help support many medical conditions, back and neck pain, menopause, Pre and Post Natal, and is a great way to rehabilitate following injury or operation. Allow the soothing music to relax you and leave the class feeling rejuvenated and toned.  Sanitised luxury mats, blocks, balls, rollers, prickly balls, and bands are provided.

Booking Info:  Numbers are restricted for safety, so please contact me, using the information above, to reserve your place. I ask my clients to commit to a block of sessions at a time in order to manage numbers and to support their journey to improve. Prices are very reasonable. I look forward to welcoming you in to class.