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 Charters School | Learning Spanish vocabulary can be a lot of fun when your classroom is turned into a restaurant for the afternoon! And that’s exactly what happened during a Year 9 Spanish lesson at Charters School on Monday 14 March.

Students were grouped together and given the task of cooking a Spanish Omelette. They then took turns to role play either the waiter or guest at their “restaurant”, sampling a host of Spanish treats.

Amelia Breedon said, “Today we arrived in class and took out the dishes we had prepared at home: tortilla española y pastelitos. We set the tables and practised ordering food in Spanish: “¡Camarero, por favor!” We also learnt to say Cheers in Spanish: “Arriba, abajo, al centro y adentro”. We ate tapas and drank “fake” sangria. ¡Qué bien!”

The students all agreed that this was one lesson they were sure to remember.