Several hundred people attended a Save Heatherwood Hospital rally and march up and down Ascot High Street and round Heatherwood, on Saturday morning . The march received a lot of support form motorists, shoppers and hospital staff. At the end, there were several speakers, including Marc Green, Terry Pearce, Fiona McTaggart MP and Carol Brooker of the Heatherwood Advisory Group. CLICK HERE  for more and CLICK HERE

  CLICK HERE to see recent BBC news article about the future of Heatherwood Hospital, Ascot. Two of the three proposed options could see Heatherwood closed. Public consultation is due to start shortly.  CLICK HERE to see BBC Radio Berkshire interview on Heatherwood's plight.

CLICK HERE to see the  Heatherwood & Wexham Trust's information on closure of the Ascot Birth Centre. CLICK HERE for e - petiton

Please click on the posters  to enlarge

save heatherwood hospital