CLICK HERE to see Sunninghill & Ascot Parish Council Respose to the Revised Planning Application

On December 16th, London Square - developer of has submitted revised plans for land south of Ascot High Street . The site would be accessed of Station Hill, beside the Fire Station. The Society for Ascot and Environs (SPAE) says that several improvements have been made but it still has 'serious concerns' regarding several fundamental aspects of the plan.

The deadline for objections  is only 13th January 2023.   Residents can e-mail - QUOTING REF 22/01971 IN THE EMAIL SUBJECT LINE.  

Despite   improved proposals for a Community Building, a better market square and some improvements to the design details, SPAE feels that the key concerns have not been adequately addressed. For example, there are still only 124 spaces for 133 homes-  which would still create a density of nearly 50 dwellings per hectare. There would still only be six car park spaces for the commercial units, with none for the shoppers or visitors to the community building.

And the proposal would still see the loss of 46 out of the 115 trees (40%) - most of which are designated high or of moderate quality

SPAE describes the timing of the Neighbour Consultation  on these minor revisions to be  'shameful and cynical'.  The Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date is 13thJanuary 2023, which straddles the Christmas and New Year holidays. Thye deem the  timescale ' unreasonable',  when there are 106 documents to be analysed.

Despite being supportive of the rejuvination of Ascot from the start, SPAE conclude that these proposal ' fall short of the Prince’s Foundation Vision and it would have a detrimental impact on Ascot and the wider area'.

22/01971/FULL | Redevelopment of existing site to provide 2,255.6sqm flexible commercial floorspace and 571sqm flexible community floorspace (mix of uses within Use Classes E, F1 and F2) and 133 dwellings with associated parking, access, open space, landscaping and other associated works. Provision of new public open space with associated hard and soft landscape works, new pedestrian and cycle paths and children's play area | Land Bounded By Ascot Fire Station Station Hill And West of Hermitage Parade And South of High Street Ascot ('

 CLICK HERE to read the REPORT of the PUBLIC MEETING about the original proposal and the public meeting held in November