On Friday 10th December, students at Charters School in Sunningdale,   helped to plant the Queen’s Green Canopy, a tree planting initiative which is being coordinated to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee next year.

One student from each Key Stage helped to ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’ in the school’s beautiful grounds.

The trees, which have been supplied free of charge to groups, organisations and individuals throughout the UK, will enhance the school grounds for future generations of Charters Students and will be a lasting legacy from a truly remarkable monarch.

Organisations are encouraged to upload images of their trees being planted to the Queen’s Green Canopy map. This interactive webpage is intended to encourage others to take part in the initiative and publicise the environmental importance of the project. Mature trees are able to absorb up to 150kg of CO2 a year and sensible tree-planting in built-up areas can help cool the air by 2 to 8 degrees.

Mr John Fletcher, Headteacher at Charters School said, “Being part of the Queen’s Canopy initiative is part of the school’s commitment to help off-set and reduce our carbon footprint in the future.  In planting the trees we will have a tangible visible representation of our commitment, taking all possible steps to reduce our carbon impact.”