sunningdale bowling club

Sunningdale Bowling Club is a friendly group of around 100 men and women, with a superb green and clubhouse, tucked away in the tranquil setting, off Whitmore Lane. The club is thriving and has recently benefited from grants made by Grassroots, part of the Berkshire Community Foundation.

Grassroots , which supports voluntary, community groups with an income of less than £20,000, awarded £5,000. This has been spent on upgrading the bowling green surround, new boiler, upgraded electrics, new signs, new gates and 12,000 fliers, to promote the club in Sunninghill, Ascot and Sunningdale area. The club is now on a mission to attract new members !

Sunningdale Bowling Club has so much to offer local people who want to meet people in the community, maintain a sporting life or just socialise and watch the bowling in a very pleasant environment. The current membership comprises 60 men, 30 ladies and 20 social members, who enjoy bowling at all levels, in the summer and short mat bowls in the winter.


Sunningdale Bowling Club would encourage anyone who might be interested in taking up the game of bowls to come along to the Try Bowls Day being held at the Club’s Whitmore Lane green on Saturday 5th May. Come along any time between 11am and 4pm and speak to Club Members and take a trial session. All bowls equipment is supplied but you should wear flat soled shoes.

See more about the Club at


Telephone the Club      01344 872016

Try bowls for free at the friendly Sunningdale Bowling Club in Whitmore Lane Sunningdale, on April 22nd and 23rd and May 27th 2023.