Holy Trinity Church (Church Road, Sunningdale) 

E-Mail | htschurchoffice@gmail.com    Holy Trinity Church SunningdaleHoly Trinity C o E Church, Church Road, Sunningdale..       

www.holytrinitysunningdale.co.uk    Information: Church Office - Tel: 01344 621886 | Vicar:  Revd. Jon Hutchinson

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 At Holy Trinity we are a diverse community of ages, background and  faith experience and as a church we seek to provide a variety of services and events to cater for the needs of everyone.

Every Sunday we hold a 10 am Communion service using Common Worship. 

On the first Sunday of the month there is an 8 am Book of Common Prayer Communion service.

Every Wednesday there is a short Communion service held at 12 noon in the Lady Chapel.

Live Stream - For those who cannot come in person the 10.00am service is live-streamed on our YouTube channel HTSVICAR. The following link will take you directly there