Charters School Launches Biodiversity Project With Local Charity

Charters School in Sunningdale is pleased to be working with local charity, The Sunninghill Trust, who are sponsoring a biodiversity project that the school’s Science department has created for students in years 7 and 8.

Students will research the biodiversity of the school site and submit proposals for how they could improve it. This project will last until the end of the Summer term, and cover a range of transferable skills. The best projects from each Tutor group will be presented to the cohort, and the Headteacher and the Sunninghill Trust will decide upon a winner.

The charity has agreed to sponsor the winning project so that the school can implement the students’ ideas. The funds may fund a wildflower garden, mini-beast environment or even some hedgehog houses, depending on the winning proposal from the project.

It has been the perfect weather for students to begin their research this week and the school looks forward to bringing you updates as the project progresses.

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