
 The U3A Mixed Media Art Group meets every Wednesday morning between 10.30 and 12-30 at the Methodist Church premises on Shepherds Lane , Bracknell. The media can be anything you fancy trying, but is mostly watercolour, acrylics and pastels. There is no tutor as such, but the group offers mutual support. Absolute beginners are very welcome as are visitors for a taster session. 

Just in case you are unfamiliar with the U3A, U3A stands for the University of the Third Age, which is a self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment.  It consists of local U3As all over the UK, which are charities in their own right and are run entirely by volunteers.  Bracknell Forest U3A is a member of the Third Age Trust.  Bracknell Forest U3A was formed in January 2001 at a public meeting of approximately 80 people. Current membership is over 400 members.  U3A membership is not related to a specific age but to a period in one’s life (the third age) after the second age of full-time employment and parental responsibility.  Anybody in their third age can join U3A and this includes people who are working part time.  There is no lower age for membership

 Contacts: Jon Morse at, Ray Grant at