
Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals hold Dragons Den style event for team to pitch ideas to achieve Trust vision:

 Friday, 14th June, saw the second annual Dragons Den event held by Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals. The event, inspired by the Television Programme of the same name, provides the opportunity for staff to present their ideas to the Executive Team, who take on the role of the dragons, and pitch for additional funding to purchase equipment they feel would benefit patients whilst in hospital and improve team working processes.

The day was launched by local television presenter and fitness trainer, Annie Price, who gave an inspirational presentation and shared some of her experiences as a patient. She spoke about the importance of the personal touch, and being made to feel safe and welcome, which was a great reminder about what really makes the difference to patients, and the impact of hospital care.

There were over 40 proposals from various teams with a wide range of specialties represented; from medicine to maternity, and therapies to surgery. The proposals were creatively pitched, with some of the highlights including a rap from one of the Occupational Therapists, outlining her bid for therapeutic tools for people with dementia, and a performance of ‘Money, Money, Money’ by Abba, from staff across the hospitals who are putting on a Pantomime later this year. It was a fantastic day with teams really getting into the spirit and having fun with their pitches.

Chief Operating Officer, James Thomas, who introduced the event to the Trust last year, was delighted to see so many people get involved, and to see the breadth of ideas pitched; he says; “Dragons Den is great fun but there is a serious side to it. It's a valuable way for us to make sure we continue to deliver our vision to provide an outstanding experience and best outcomes for patients and the team.”