
The ePetition - Save the Sunninghill Picture House / Novello Theatre ( - Petition Now Closed and Successful  Social Media and Website tech on team

A huge crowd (in excess of 225 people),  packed the Cordes Hall, Sunninghill in January 2024, to hear that the Novello Theatre - The Picture House, donated to the community in 1920 by local resident, Stuart McNair's grandparents - is in danger of being sold to developers by RBWM, thereby depriving the local residents of a much-needed community facility . There was a very strong feeling that it could complement the Cordes Hall facilities and managed in a similar way. Great improvements have been achieved at the CordesHall - thanks to Jane Richardson and her team. The Novello is currently in a bad state of repair - asbestos-clad, with no seating and a dodgy roof  - as the long-time lessee has not maintained it and owners, RBWM ,- have failed to ensure it was properly maintained. 

The Proposal of the meeting was to restore the Novello Theatre, (The Picture House) as a venue to be used for the benefit of the local community. Linking The Picture House and Cordes Hall, creating a community hub/venue in Sunninghill. Offering a vibrant and varied programme of Live Performance, Cinema, Clubs, Classes, and other community services.

The Aims of Meeting were to  inform the local community of the current situation and to recruit a working group to move the project forward. Organisers were overwhelmed with offers of support. 

Much progress has been made since this meeting: To list but a few of these achievements; .....

  1. Social Media and Website tech on team
  2. Website and Facebook page established  at
  3. February Newsletter circulated to 130 people and posted on Social Media
  4. A second survey of the Theatre takes place on  Monday,  February 12th 3pm , along with a  virtual site visit with a high profile local figure.
  5. Schools and local groups being canvassed for potential interest in a larger, more functional Performing Arts and Community space . The Appeal to save the NPH has been taken under the umbrella of the Cordes Hall Trustees, to achieve swift governance structure and bank accounts and appointment of Trustees
  6. A Business Plan must be prepared for presentation to Full Council on Monday, March 11th 7.00pm – also on YouTube, room for 20/30 supporters tops as the Maidenhead Golf Course Petition will also be heard that evening

Campaign Co-ordinator, Alan Everett, reports that he has met Cllr Josh Reynolds who, in the light of the successful petition and likely success of an application for 'Asset of Community Value' status, has asked  Ian Brazier-Dubber and Andrew Durrant to provide valuations under three scenarios, but in all cases assuming an ACV is in place;

  1. The Novello PH (NPH) in its current state.
  2. The NPH repaired and refurbished at RBWM  expense ( for which RBWM has no funds)
  3. The NPH site for alternative use.

The timeframe for the community 'Bid' would be 6 months ie August/September. There is a feeling that the  Borough should not ‘own’ assets such as this.

In the context of these requested valuations, Alan Everett summarised the campaign position as ; 

  1. The NPH has been mismanaged as a Borough/Community Asset and it is  therefore their responsibility to restore it to a useable condition.
  2. That Borough N Community Infrastructure Levy grants will be applied for (given that much has originated thanks to development in this area) and CIL grants will also be applied for from Sunninghill & Ascot and Sunningdale  Parish Councils
  3. Ideally, the community would look to RBWM to rent to them,  very reasonably, or (preferably) to sell them, the property, in a usable state at an affordable price - such that funds we raise can be used to restore/renovate to a fully functional state.