

The Chestnuts and connecting Chestnuts Lane, are green spaces that comprise 1.7 hectares of land in Warfield Harvest Ride.

The sites are remnants from the Warfield Park estate and comprise a mixture of shrubs, grassland and veteran Sweet Chestnut trees that are thought to be approximately 200 years old.

They form part of a green corridor running west to east, following the line of an old track which used to offer access to the cottage gardens. A tarmac cycleway runs along its length. This can be used by pedestrians, cycles, wheelchairs and prams as a form of access or passage to and from the Whitegrove Housing Estate, the surrounding greenspaces and Tescos.

The Chestnuts has:

  • a historic icehouse that’s a Grade II listed building
  • veteran sweet chestnut trees and a historic stone plaque
  • information boards about site history and wildlife
  • shared footpaths and cycleway (The Chestnuts Trail)