
Pictured:  Karen (seated) at the Sun Salutations Yoga Event.

Bracknell yoga teacher Karen Harvey organised yoga sessions during the summer to raise funds for local Samaritans.  The highlight was a yoga event in September held in Hurst Village Hall, when Karen led about 35 people for 108 Sun Salutations.

Keen mountain biker Karen said ‘We organised the pop-up yoga on sunny Sunday mornings and the Sun Salutations event, because I have been touched personally by suicide and I want to promote the link between physical and mental health in a positive way and raise money for the local Samaritans.’

The final amount of money raised by Karen was £1867, and Nick Tuggey, fundraising volunteer at Samaritans Bracknell, Wokingham and Ascot and district branch said ‘ We are delighted with the success of these events, and would like to say a huge thank you  Karen for her enthusiastic support’.


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