

Local author and Mindfulness teacher, Jacqui Macdonald, has published a new book  - The Art of Being.

Why The Lost Art of Being is the Perfect Holiday Read | The Lost Art of Being is a little book about doing less and being more.  Capturing the wisdom of ancient sages on how to be happy and roll with the Universe, it applies these sacred secrets to our busy modern lives.  Offering direct teachings illustrated by personal insights from the author’s own experiences, it encourages the reader to discover the immense power of slowing down, letting heart rule head, and remembering how to just be.

Giving you full permission to do absolutely nothing and reap the powerful, life-enhancing benefits, this is the perfect book to read on the beach or by the pool to fast-track your summer holiday wind-down.

The book will encourage you to release the need for incessant doing - choosing instead to pause long enough to realise that your thoughts are not even real.  This allows you to tune into your instinctive universal intelligence and let your life unfold far beyond the limits of convention… without you even trying....

It is based on the premise that as a human being, it is only when you take care of both aspects of yourself – human and being – that you can fully relax into your life.  It teaches you how to over-ride the mind to get in touch with your natural consciousness, so you can receive greater guidance from the universe and give up the pressure of having to fix everything yourself.

Author and Mindfulness Teacher Jacqui Macdonald explains: “Most of us are ruled by a voice in our head that tells us we need to strive for bigger, better and more.  When we believe this story, we lose sight of the fact that we already have a magical connection to the universe that will provide everything we need for happiness and success. We become all human, no being. This is the source of all stress.

“The best thing about being is that you don’t have to do anything.  You just stop.  And suddenly you notice that there’s a part of you that’s always present and peaceful no matter what.  It’s full of natural intelligence and it feels entirely whole.  That’s the bliss of being.”

The Lost Art of Being combines a short mystical story, inspirational teachings, a selection of Q&As and a practical lifestyle guide with tips for mastering the art of being.  It is funny, full of wisdom and easy to read – a powerful antidote to 21st century stress, recalling ancient secrets about how to ease into the flow of life, relinquishing the need for all effort.

If you long for inner peace and a deep sense of contentment, The Lost Art of Being reveals the ancient wisdom you’ve been searching for.  It’s time for a dramatic shift in mindset to discover what sages have always known: The less you do, the more you become.  This is the simple secret to happiness.