
RBWM LOCAL PLAN | APRIL 2020 UPDATE from Planning Inspector, Louise Philips

Local Plan Examination Position Statement, 31st March 2020 |  Following an initial stage of hearings which took place in June 2018, I advised the Council that further work needed to be done before the examination could continue. On 1 November 2019, the Council published proposed changes to the Plan which it originally submitted for examination and consulted upon them for six weeks. The documentation associated with the “Proposed Changes Plan” can be viewed here: Proposed Changes to the BLP Submission Version.

The Council has sent me the representations made during the consultation period and I have been considering them alongside the other published documents. Via the Programme Officer, I had asked the Council to begin making arrangements for the examination to resume in May/June with further hearings. However, the present situation surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak will inevitably disrupt and delay proceedings.
The Planning Inspectorate has published guidance on the “” website, which will be kept up to date and can be viewed here: Local Plan Examination- Coronavirus (COVID-19). In light of the Government’s current advice to stay at home, it states that Inspectors will try to progress the pre- and post-hearing stages of their examinations, but that hearings cannot presently take place and are unlikely to be able to resume soon. It is not possible, therefore, to schedule further hearings at the moment.

I understand that the Government is due to review its position on the “lockdown” situation in 2-3 weeks’ time. After this, in consultation with the Council, I will decide whether it is appropriate to publish my Matters Issues and Questions (MIQs) to guide the next stage of the examination and to invite written statements. This note will be updated accordingly and so please do check the examination website regularly.
During these difficult times I would also like to extend my best wishes to all of you involved in the examination and to stress that your safety and that of others is the primary consideration.
Louise Phillips


The Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on 31 January 2018.

Following the hearing, a report will be prepared setting out the inspector’s recommendations in relation to its adoption.

Once adopted, the plan will run retrospectively from 2013 until 2033 and will help guide where developments including housing, leisure, retail, office and open space should be sited and how they will fit in with existing and planned infrastructure.

The Borough Local plan will shape the next two decades of growth and facilitate new homes and infrastructure in the borough.

For more information about the Borough Local Plan as well as attending the hearings please see: