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Sunningdale Carnival : Cheques Presentation   



The Sunningdale Area Carnival, established nearly 40 years ago as a non-profit making organisation, has distributed funds from last years “medieval themed” carnival proceeds.  The sponsors, stallholders and donations on the gate provide funds to put on the carnival and provide free entertainments for the public.  Our thanks go to BMW Sytner, Sunningdale Golf Club and Waitrose for being our 2015 sponsors.

 2nd Ascot Guides £760 towards their trip to the World Guide Centre in Switzerland in July.  18 girls and 5 adults have been preparing for the trip and doing their own fundraising as well.  Receiving their cheque were:

Sue Sheppard (Guide Guider), Elizabeth, Rebecca & Victoria Jacques, Alison Patton, Charlotte, Lauren & Melanie Price, Zara Young.


Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service £500 for their care team to support families at home.  Anita Weare receiving the cheque said their building project is hoping to complete in Spring 2017.

Quest RDA £500, collected by Julie Jones (Group Coach) has been earmarked for shoeing a pony for a year.  The ponies need the protective shoeing to be able to walk through the woods avoiding stones.  Quest have provided riding for the disabled in Chobham for 40 years and have 1 adult group and several childrens groups, all with various special needs.  Julie said “the relationship with the horses makes an astounding difference to their lives”.  They own 4 ponies and need £22,000 per annum to keep going.

Ascot District Day Centre £500, Elvira Fletcher receiving the cheque said that the funds would help towards the new mini bus.  The Day Centre is voluntary run and many elderly attend every day for a hot meal and drinks, the mini bus collects and returns them home. They have recently started a meals on wheels service.  Elvira said “it is wonderful to have regular carnival support”.

Holy Trinity Church £500.  10 years ago the carnival were able to help install their clock, Colin Napper receiving the cheque said they were very grateful to have funds towards church activities and the clock is having some problems so this was a timely donation!